Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Online Gift Registry with Wizgifter

Posted by Unknown at 4:30 AM
Gifts to add in Wedding Gift Registry
Going to get married? Hosted online gift registry? Customized it with wedding caption? Have all household things? If all before are marked as ‘yes’ then the problem is what gifts to add in wedding gift registry ??? right. No problem at all . Our experts finds it out here the best gifts to add in your online wedding gift registry:

Call your dream honeymoon idea into existence :
You often dreamt of having a honeymoon in heaven but you are running short of resources to make it happen. No issue in taking help of your guests to get it. Sit on with your partner and discuss the things you will need in your honeymoon trip say travel tickets , classy dinner , accommodation , other local activities of honeymoon place. Now divide them each as a gift in your wedding gift registry and add them.

dream honeymoon place
Image courtesy: http://goo.gl/AqMFdh
Classy Candle Light Dinner
You wish to give your partner a romantic candle light dinner. Find out the place at your honeymoon destination and to book your dinner table there , let your guest pay it. We mean add it in your wedding gift registry. Or you can also register for shows, parties to celebrate your day.

Candle Light Dinner
Image courtesy: http://goo.gl/ywfN7g
Let some charity greet you
Is there a cause that is near to your heart , something you want to do for others, needy ones. Its always good to ask your guests contributing something in your charity gift registry fund . You may also add academics fee of needy children in it . some stationary gifts, clothes, toys, study furniture will be something that your guests will even appreciate to donate.

Health Is Wealth
Does maintaining good health is always a concern to you ? Not bad in asking your guests to gift you yearly medical checkup package , gym/sport club membership, exercise equipment in your wedding gift registry.

Every couple wish their wedding day to be perfect and so do their life post wedding. There are a number of gifts that you can add in your wedding gift registry to receive something valuable in your online gift registry. A few are here , we will be back in next blog with more gifts to add in your wedding gift registry.

Lastly, as we always say and do, do not worry about anything. We are here to help you out. All you have to do is to comment here or email us.


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